Cirque de Anima

Lore Events 1 October 2023 - 1 November 2023
A new place comes to bring joy and fun to all Scarfoxes of every biome within the Realm. Witness the magic at Cirque de Anima!

Cirque de aNIMA



✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Once again, the moon comes as Scarfoxes of the Realm start to place their small containers of water out for the first light to allow for the waters to be absorbed and make shields of light. The large crystals with stirring water are placed at the center of each biome to make sure to keep the Yste’s Souls and the shadow of beasts away from their homes. The temple of the Gods were already protected by their own power to keep their assistants and those who lived near the shrine safe. Everything was going to plan like always and nothing seemed out of the ordinary for the moon’s final cycle before it stayed for the month.

                In the distance, the sound of floating instruments introduced the Cirque  de Anima. Floating flyers flying everywhere and being introduced to all biomes before the final night of peace. For those who had the chance, packed and made their way over by travel of the Mist Ferry. Guiding itself across to the lone biome on clouds of Mist provided by the Scarfox Guide himself, Astral. Others who remained proceeded to celebrate the night of the coming moon together with others who preferred to stay. Those who proceeded on the Ferry noticed a familiar figure sitting on Astral’s arm, the Mini God was present, yet he peacefully remained asleep with no sense of waking.

                The Ferry landed as gently as it possibly could at the entrance of the biomes Big Tent. At the entrance, a familiar clown Scarfoxes greeted everyone with a boastful laughter.

                “Hello~ Hello~ Welcome to Cirque de Anima, where all tales are told, and all dreams come alive!”

As he finished his introduction the entrance slowly parted like a stage and flashes of bright lights and sounds of old machines stirred within, a large Ferris wheel could be seen in the distance moving ever so slowly like a clock, large plushies of certain God Scarfoxes and pets across the Realm were hung on display for various carnival games, and a few new odd little pets roamed the roads of this large space.

All was going well . . .

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Hello everyone,

It has been a while since we've done a little lore drop even for you all. First of I'd like to start by thanking you for all your suggestions and support throughout the past year. We wanted to prepare this large event for you all to participate in. This Lore drop will only come around once for this portion of the story and will not return at all in the future as we will move on to bigger and better things.

I would like to present to you this month's prompts to start us off with the event.




Orb of Night Festival

Orb of Night is a yearly festival that Scarfoxes celebrate in the Realm. They thank the Moon for all of its protection during the darkness of the Month, as the Moon's water keeps Scarfoxes protected from evil entities known as Yste's Souls. Well, these little ones are back again and for some reason seem more and more determined this time around to find hiding places among other Scarfoxes. How will you keep yourself safe?


✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


Foxtober - Witch's Apothecary

I had a lot of fun developing this prompts for you all, especially drawing out all the little herbs. Alta, our beloved Candy Witch Scarfox has come to you with a proposal. She wants to teach a class about herbs and wants to gander exactly how much you know about them. She has given you a list of herbs, your goal is to show her how much you know about them and how you use them. Don't worry, on the prompt page I have provided some information about each of them for you guys!


✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


Cirque de Anima

Cirque de Anima has finally opened their doors for visitation once again even though the God herself isn't present at the time to greet you, her workers are! You will get to meet a previous character who has been used before in old events known as Pierro, the clown Scarfox. However, there is a new Leader in town and Pierro can't do all the duties himself for this large biome. The Ringmaster will also come in to help out whenever he can. I also heard that Astral has brought the Mini God along with him, even if he is asleep. What a sleepy Scarfox God. 



That's right we got a list of new traits for you all available. We remember talking about this last year but we decided to hold off and prepare them more thoroughly to make sure they had proper descriptions and examples as all the new traits are for the Unstable rarity!

Here is the list of all those wonderful traits:

Color Drain


Braided | Knotted Limbs

Body Zippers

Void Head

Mirrored Head

2D Ears

Cross Mouth

Black Halo

Container Head

Corrupted Wisps

We look forward to seeing what you come up with these new traits!

I would like to remind you that the Corrupted Wisps trait earned in the prompts at the end of the month's raffle for Yste's Souls, cannot be removed from any Scarfox or switched out for other Unstable Traits. The Yste's Souls can only permanently change any Mystic or Hollows to Unstable. Yste's Souls do not permanently affect Scarfoxes with trait rarities between Common and Very Rare. I hear rumors though that there may be a possible way in the future to remove these Corrupted Wisps. 


Unstable Potion, Moon's Laurel Badge, and more . . .

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It's here, the ever so elusive Unstable Potion, that still no Scarfox knows where it comes from. It's here to reveal the truth to those lucky to obtain one this month. The Unstable Potion acts like the rest and gives ONE UNSTABLE TRAIT PER USE. Two potions will be available for raffle at the end of the month for those who participate in the Cirque de Anima prompt and ten potions will be sold throughout the month of October. These potions will not be available at all outside of this month and the only way of possibly obtaining them is through the Raffles or Cash Shop. 

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧



A new badge has dropped for you all Badge addicts and collectors. Welcome the Moon's Laurel Badge. This award can be earned through the lore prompt, Cirque de Anima. It's a beautiful badge that will be given to all who participate in that prompt by a special someone that you will all be meeting at the possible middle to the end of the month. 

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧


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Meet the new Leafy Egg pets: Pholemur, Pygmy Ink Puff, and Boopy.

The little ones can be found in the new Biome, Magic Soul. They can be seen running around and enjoying the Cirque with you all. 



Location of the Cirque de Anima


With the month's event comes a brand new Biome known as the Magic Soul. A floating island biome at sea level that follows the moon throughout the year until it rises. It has been long since this Cirque had opened its doors and now it is available for Scarfoxes to come visit once again. There are many fun things to do in this place and we are excited to reveal more during the month. The biome itself is located inside a huge tent that reveals a wide open area with multiple attractions for Scarfoxes to play carnival games, hang out with friends and family, and collect all sorts of plushies while they are visiting. A boat known as the Mist Ferry takes you across through the sea on a cloud of Mist and brings you to the island. Usually leading the Mist Ferry is Alta or Astral.


We hope you enjoy this event

There are more fun things in the event so look forward to them on Discord and even on the site. We look forward to seeing all your wonderful and magical entries throughout the month as we continue to give you Lore drop and hopefully realize the truth of a story once told before but now all its secrets revealed. 

Thank you!


Biomes: Magic Soul


Biome Scarfoxes: Astral and Ringmaster Jeremiah

Realm Gods: Mini God

Cirque de Anima Workers: Pierro

Shop Keepers: Alta