Scarfox FFA Raffle - Path of Carnations
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Darci
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- Please make sure that you read through the Raffle Rules carefully as this also coincides with my TOS.
- Anyone who is blocked/has me blocked in ANY of my social media (Deviantart,, Twitter, etc.) will not be allowed to participate in any of my future design sales or raffles. This is to keep both the person and me safe from further interactions.
- If voiding the design, please make sure that you send me a note to get my approval and reasoning as to why I will/ will not allow the design to be permanently voided. With temporary voids, I have no issues.
- Winning the Raffle will lock you on a Scarfox Trade Cooldown for 6 months. We do this to avoid fodder trades. If you are found trading the Scarfox while on cooldown there will be an automatic strike.
- You have 48 hours to claim a design. You must message me if you are announced as the winner. I will only message you during the final 12 hours of redeeming the Scarfox.
- Please be aware that I have the right as per design to choose whether I reroll, set it up for sale, set it up for OTA, or simply keep the design if the winner has NOT CLAIMED the Scarfox. More than likely the Scarfox will either be up again at a later date.
- I will not add or remove any design portion of the Scarfox unless commissioned to do the edit. Depending on the edit it can range from $10 - $50 the more edits have to be made.
- You can only claim this Scarfox for yourself. You cannot claim for another person or a friend.
Disclaimer: These rules are set to possible changes. All future changes will be applied immediately to avoid any rising situations. If you have any questions about any of the rules above, you are welcome to message me directly, comment below, or message the Scarfox Question Channel on Discord.
Species created by @Kawiku
Species Owned by Darci
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