Pass It Along: January 3
It was a beautiful afternoon. Starlight had just gotten off the train in the City of Corridale, and she was excited to get to the top of the tallest hill in the city. She had been told that the view was to die for, and she had brought along her camera equipment so she could get the best photo for a contest that she had entered.
The contest had started a few days ago, and she only had a couple of weeks to get the perfect image to submit on the final day before the judging period would start. She had been taking a lot of photos of landscapes, and she was a bit of a perfectionist once it came to choosing the right photograph. A trip into Corriedale would have been the perfect place to start, and she was excited when the train had finally stopped.
Long train rides made her antsy and when she was ansty, her hands would shake a little bit. She steeled her nerves as she was traveling through the city, taking pictures of Scarfoxes and their pets, old and new buildings alike, food and flowers and anything she saw that could be a potential contender for the photo judging contest.
Starlight had been sure to thank every fox who had allowed her to take a photo, and she shook their hands as well, as it was important to be grateful when others would let her immortalize them. The soul was an important part of a Scarfox, and she wanted to assure these foxes that she was not trying to capture a part of them that would be missed. In fact, once it was all over, she was entirely willing to share her whole collection of photographs with the public so they could see her handiwork.
A little publicity never hurt her photography career after all, and Starlight made every effort to make sure everything she did mattered.
Once she got to the crest of the tallest hill in the city, Starlight set up a tripod and organized her other tools so that when the time came, she would be ready to snap a hundred photos (or even more if she had to). She was after a photo of the sunset over the city, to capture those reds, oranges, and pinks cast off the top of the buildings. It was her favorite time of day paired with an amazing city.
Thankfully, the tallest hill was situated in a park. There was a single young tree at the top of the hill. Though trees that were young could still be incredibly big. Starlight pondered over each step of her setup as the afternoon dragged on and on into early evening. The perfect photo was what she was after and all the worrying she ended up doing ended up being just enough for her to start snapping photos as soon as the sun was dipping beyond the buildings.
All this work through the day for only a handful of opportunities at sunset ended up being worth it, as Starlight had taken many good photos.
But only one would make it through her vetting process. That would come when she got back home and was able to develop all the film.
Fingers crossed.
Submitted By tortricidae
for [PROMPT] Pass It Along
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago